quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2005


Do Polling Report:

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 2, 2005. N=501 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4. Fieldwork by TNS Intersearch.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation caused by Hurricane Katrina?
Approve: 46%
Disapprove: 47%

Do you think the federal government should have been better prepared to deal with a storm of this size, or do you think it was as prepared as it reasonably could have been?
Should Have Been Better Prepared:67%
Prepared As Could Have Been:31%
Unsure: 2%

How about the state and local governments in the affected areas? Do you think they should have been better prepared to deal with a storm of this size, or do you think they were as prepared as they reasonably could have been?
Should Have Been Better Prepared:75%
Prepared As Could Have Been:24%

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