Has your household at any time during the past 12 months run out of money to pay ordinary bills or buying food or other daily consumer items? (% 'Yes')
Which of the following best describes how your household is keeping up with all its credit commitments at present? (% "You are falling behind with some bills\ credit commitments" + % "You are having real financial problems and have fallen behind with many bills and credit commitments")
As we can see, Greece is really on a different planet from this point of view. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I can't find more data like this since December 2011. But the Standard EB regularly asks questions about "difficulty in paying bills". The ZACAT data on EB 77.4, from June 2012, shows this:
Difficulty in paying bills in the last year? (% "Most of the time)
Regardless of other factors, any discussion on voting behavior, government approval, protest and political mobilization in the aftermath of austerity policies in these countries must take this into account.
3 comentários:
Caro Pedro,
Sigo há vários anos o seu blogue, quase religiosamente, mas nunca aqui deixei um comentário. Queria apenas enviar-lhe uma nota de apreço e desejar que continue a brindar-nos sob este formato e por muito tempo com as suas análises, que muito prezo.
É muito amável. Obrigado.
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